Saturday, November 5, 2011

things i learn from my furry housemates....(more like my furry bosses)

My shiny black sweetheart.....Tam tam.

This is Tam Tam.....he might look scary...but underneath he is the most largehearted creature that i knew....unlike other male cats who treats stranger kittens with defiance and being violent.. Tam Tam loves to play with them...give them his food..sleep with them..and sometimes let them play on him....and this cat thinks that every people is a good person....he is not scared of people and he will go running to people to greet them....his naive attitude make me thinks that sometimes in life...though it's hard....we must believe in GOOD.....Tam Tam is also softhearted and love me the most...if i have to go somewhere and leave him with my sister....he refuses to eat anything.....sometimes it goes on for three or four days....he makes me believe that there is a genuine love in this world....and the fact that my cat misses that much makes me happy......the best part about him...he is my manual alarm clock.....every morning at 5.30 am sharp....he always make sure to wake me up.......using his wet nose to tickle me......even on SUNDAY.....Damn!!!!......coz 5.30 am is their breakfast time.....
My stripy hero...Mon Mon
Currently he is suffering from penyakit batu he has problem to urinate.....sometimes due to the pain he often resorts to urinate on something soft and worn clothes, mattress, pillow, blanket and sometimes's kinda hard at first.....coz you have to make sure that there is no clothing or anything like that left unattended on the floor. and to keep the blanket, pillow and mattress in the closet or in the closed room after using by bit...i become quite organized..if before..i never bother to tidy up the bed after waking up...lately...i tidy them up...and put them in the room before going off to school..since i live alone...i usually sleep in front of the tv in the living bed in the bedroom is just for display purposes.....Then i teach him to pee in the toilet....since he cannot use the litter due to's takes a lot of effort for my he's toilet trained....but i still have to clean up the mess in the toilet....the down part of having a sis once asked me "if you keep cleaning his poop do you able to eat? why don't you let him die naturally...why waste money on medication and stuff" i question her back "how can you eat if you keep cleaning your baby's poop everyday? why do you take her to the clinic when she's sick?"'s the same rule....i raise him since he was little...i'm not going to abandon him just because he is don't abandon something you love no matter how hard it is....Mon Mon has his good side too....he's the patient of them all....during the meals...although he is hungry, he always wait for Tam Tam and Cen Cen to finish eating first....he will wait patiently while looking at the other two eating.... usually when feeding them biscuits...i give them separate they can eat comfortably......but if there are some special treats...means they have to Mon Mon will sit and wait for the two to finish eating....
pics of them eating together.......

the cheeky princess Cen Cen
This cheeky brat always makes my day...being the only girl, she is a bit naughty and love to explore new not ever leave any thing open such as closet, drawer, bag...coz she will get in there and occupy the place like nobody business....she is the cleverest of the three....My mom said she does act like me....she does have my traits in nonchalant attitude, my ade aku kisah attitude and my snobbish  towards people attitude.....unlike Tam Tam who love people...cen cen does not fond of people....but whenever i got sick....she will sit beside me watching me with her puzzled if trying to ask me what can she do to ease my pain.....when the pain getting real bad and i cried several times in front of her,she seems affected by it.....she is sensitive to emotion around her......and try to comfort me as best as she could by snuggling to me....though she may look unaffected but she is affected...only she doesn't show it much....

Although sometimes it's hard to make people understand how we feel towards our pets....but eventually they will see...keeping pets is not a waste of time....keeping pets change me...for better or worse....i did change.....i become more patient, i become more responsible, i learn to commit.....i learn to organize things...i do lots of cleaning than i normally do......though not much...but i believe something inside me has love your pet.....coz they love you long as you feed them....;p

My darlings at the moment......